Monday, October 8, 2012

31 Horror Movies in 31 Days: The Blob (1988)

The Blob (1988)
Directed by Chuck Russell
Starring Kevin Dillon, Shawnee Smith, Donovan Leitch, Jeffrey DeMunn, Candy Clark, Joe Seneca

A meteor crashes in a small town, bringing something unstoppable and deadly. A devouring goo emerges from the rock, engulfing a hobo and moving on to some townspeople. As the sentient mass consumes more and more, it becomes a race against time for two teens to convince the town of the imminent danger coming their way.

Make no mistake: this remake is all about the gory fun of horror movies. That’s not to say that The Blob is dumb, it’s certainly more cynical and darker than the original. The film is all about getting the story and the audience to the next FX shot with as little resistance as possible. Kind of like Michael Mann makes style into substance; Chuck Russell shows the merits of a sickly satisfying monster movie.

The special effects are the stars here, showing everything about the Blob’s digestive process that the 1958 film would never dare to exhibit. People are digested alive, onscreen, under bright lights. Teens implode, soldiers get engulfed, and even small children fall apart in the creature’s gooey embrace. It’s shocking and disgusting, but also kind of fun and nihilistically charming.

The consistency of the Blob no longer resembles jello topped with jam. It’s got a lumpy, mucus-like consistency that looks bio-hazardous. The mass also sprouts tentacles in this update, which vary in quality. Some look menacing, others look like rubber tubing. Overall, the creature and gore effects are cool and still make gruesome sights. The only effects that didn’t age well are the green screen backdrops which are used sporadically.

Russell and Frank Darabont wrote a script that balances plot, action pieces, and sets up the scares quite well. The story just flows, never dwelling too long on anything but still keeping your attention. There are some legitimately good action scenes, even a full motorcycle chase. Little things introduced seemingly offhand come back later for some serious payoff.

The characters work well enough, but they’re only there to be put into terrifying sequences that demand your attention. Shawnee Smith has the most interesting part in Meg, a cheerleader that’s intelligent and capable of dealing with the Blob on her own. She’s almost a proto-Buffy. Russell and Darabont put a lot of work into making the Blob itself have a pronounced personality. It’s not just this oozing thing that mindlessly pursues Steve McQueen. This Blob is aggressive and tactical, finding the best moment and method for which to attack. The monster here is a Lovecraftian apex predator and it makes all the difference.

The cast is awesome and full of future success. Kevin Dillon plays the bad boy turned mulleted hero Brian. Shawnee Smith does well giving some spirit to Meg. Jeffrey DeMunn shows up to play hard ass sheriff with a secret soft side. Del Close has a memorable performance as the town Reverend, a side character that has an interesting character arc. Joe Seneca plays military scientist Dr. Meddows with equal parts old man charm and authoritative viciousness. Only the kid actors turn in sub par work, but not enough to ruin the movie.

The Blob is twisted, dark horror movie fun. It’s for those who don’t feel too precious about the original or haven’t tested their squeamishness in a while.

8 out of 10